
Linear axis in vacuum (E-Drive)



Linear axis in vacuum (E-Drive)




E-Drive vertical

MAFU elevators with integrated controller overcome height differences of up to 200mm or lift customer specific cassettes. The stroke is sealed with a bellow and is therefore suitable for all vacuum ranges. Our elevators are also suitable for higher payloads. They can be operated in any position.

Vacuum level 1x10e-7 mbar
Leak rate 1x10e-9 mbar l/s
Payload 10 kg
Mapping optional
Operating temperature 10-80 °C
Velocities Z: 50 mm/s





E-Drive vertical

MAFU elevators with integrated controller overcome height differences of up to 200mm or lift customer specific cassettes. The stroke is sealed with a bellow and is therefore suitable for all vacuum ranges. Our elevators are also suitable for higher payloads. They can be operated in any position.

Vacuum level 1x10e-7 mbar
Leak rate 1x10e-9 mbar l/s
Payload 10 kg
Mapping optional
Operating temperature 10-80 °C
Velocities Z: 50 mm/s









E-Drive horizontal

The E-Drive 400 linear axis was developed for connecting classic Load Locks or process chambers to our M-Drive. It can also be used well for general loading and unloading tasks. It closes the gap between manual loading or manual manipulators and complex automated multi-axis movements. Due to the all-metal design and the bake-out capability It can be used at all vacuum pressures up to the XHV range.





E-Drive horizontal

The E-Drive 400 linear axis was developed for connecting classic Load Locks or process chambers to our M-Drive. It can also be used well for general loading and unloading tasks. It closes the gap between manual loading or manual manipulators and complex automated multi-axis movements. Due to the all-metal design and the bake-out capability It can be used at all vacuum pressures up to the XHV range..






Load lock

Vacuum load lock for individual substrates and cassettes enable flexible material infeed. The height of the substrate is only limited by the gate valve height. The load locks can be equipped with presence sensors, position sensors and material ID recognition.





Load Look

Vacuum load lock for individual substrates and cassettes enable flexible material infeed. The height of the substrate is only limited by the gate valve height. The load locks can be equipped with presence sensors, position sensors and material ID recognition.




Technical data

Vacuum level 1x10e-7 mbar
Leak rate 1x10e-8 mbar l/s
Mapping optional
Operating temperature 10-80 °C
Max. bakeout temperature 120 °C
Slideoutsensor optional
Substrat max. 250x250 mm
Vacuum pumps Turbo, Kryo, or only pre-pumps according to customer requirements



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